


Exploring 7 Of The Strangest, Most Exotic Thefts Ever...

Whether for money, thrills, or some kind of deeper emotional compulsion, people sure do find ways to steal a bunch of weird things.

Which Witch: The Truth And Fairly Fantastical Myths About...

Followers of Wicca strive for understanding in a culture that doesn’t know much about them. Here's what Wiccans actually believe.

Mind-Bending Examples Of The Mandela Effect That Will Make...

Prepare to have your memories shattered by the truth.

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement Wants You To Go...

The best thing that humans can do for the planet: Get off of it. Here's why one movement wants to bring about a quiet extinction.

How Our Names Shape Our Futures

Barth Toothman is a dentist; Les McBurney is, of course, a firefighter. We looked at the science behind how our names shape our lives. It got weird.

Immortal Jellyfish, Virgin Shark Mothers, And Other Miraculous Animal...

Some sharks can have virgin births; certain mice can regenerate lost tissues. They're pretty miraculous abilities—and humans might be able to benefit.

The Unforgettable Fyre: The Legacy—And Possible Lessons—Of The Fyre...

It was supposed to be paradise. More than a year later, it’s still creating headlines. Why does the Fyre Festival have such staying power?

“Gaius Was Here”: How Ancient Graffiti Reflects The Human...

The instruments may have been a little more crude and the language more flowery, but we have a lot in common with ancient Romans when it comes to public expressions of ourselves.

Supertasters: How Science Discovered The Strange Secrets Of Taste

Supertasters experience taste more intensely than their peers (and many have extra taste buds). We spoke with the scientist who discovered this phenomenon.

Finger Tips: The Myths And Realities Of Fingerprinting

In 1903, Will West was processed in a Kansas penitentiary. There was just one problem—an identical man named William West was already there.

I’ll Never Let Go, Jack Russell Terrier: Stories Of...

You’ve heard about the passengers and crew who were on the Titanic. But did you know there were animal passengers too? Here are their stories.

Poles Of Inaccessibility: Exploring The Most Isolated Points On...

Ever wanted to be so far from society that the nearest humans are 250 miles overhead in the International Space Station? Then you might want to check out the poles of inaccessibility.

The True Case of Tarrare: The Man Who Ate...

"France's greatest eater" lived an incredible life. Unfortunately, not all stories have happy endings.

10 Professions That Have The Most Psychopaths

Fortunately, psychopaths tend to be pretty normal people holding down boring jobs—but that doesn't mean they can't be manipulative.

A Look Inside YouTube’s Strangest (Incredibly Popular) Communities

You can become a YouTube star simply by drinking bottles of water. Here's a few of the site's weirdest (and most popular) communities.

Are Domesticated Cats The Biggest Threat To Wildlife?

Cute, cuddly, and cold-blooded, cats are more menacing than we think. Just ask the Stephens Island wren (You can’t. Mr. Whiskers ate the last of them).

36 Questions To Ask A Woman If You Want...

Cut right to the heart of her identity with these science-tested questions.

The Shallow End Of The Gene Pool: Animals That...

Some animals seem to have the genetic cards stacked against them...or do they? Check out our list of animals with some bizarre evolutionary traits.

Here’s How To Always Win At Rock Paper Scissors...

Think Rock, Paper, Scissors or flipping a coin are fair games of chance? They aren't. Spoiler: It’s not all in the wrist.

Wicked Wikipedia: Digging Deeper Into The Creepiest Stories On...

Wikipedia's great for learning, but some of its more mysterious articles are less than definitive. To get the full story, we hit the books and talked to some experts.

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